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A Guide to the New Data Center Due Diligence Reports

Writer: LandGateLandGate

A Guide to the New Data Center Due Diligence Reports

Data Centers and the Analysis Tool

LandGate has added a new tool that allows users to run due diligence reports for data centers at any location in the country. This new feature is housed within the Analysis tool. 

Users can create new projects from portfolios created in Parcel Data or in the Analysis tool directly. When creating a new project users have the ability to choose between a Solar Project, Data Center Project, or General Project. Users can then click start project and a new tab with their data center project will load in a new tab.

data center analysis tool

Editing your Project Outline and Buildable Acreage

After selecting your parcel boundaries, edit buildable acreage analysis, add setbacks, and custom exclusion areas

data center buildable area

Draw data center building locations and calculate size directly.

data center buildable area

Adjust Point of Interconnection for Available  Offtake Analysis

Users can click on the POI and Offtake tabs. They can then adjust the Substation, Bus, and Base Case Study Year used in project analysis. The report generated contains information about the offtake capacity available to your project.

offtake analysis
POI Tab where users can edit the point of interconnection

offtake analysis
Offtake tab where users can edit the bus and case study for offtake analysis

Data Center Feasibility

Click on the Data Center Feasibility tab and you will see information about the proximity of different infrastructure important to data center development including substations, fiber lines and water utility lines.

data center feasibility

Due Diligence Report

Click the blue View Report button at the bottom of the page to generate your due diligence report.

data center due diligence

The due diligence report includes information about the project’s proximity to grid infrastructure, offtake analysis, price of electricity analysis, state incentives and programs, proximity to data infrastructure, endangered species analysis, and more.

data center feasibility

If you would like to see this in action or gain access to a trial, please schedule time with our dedicated energy markets or client success teams.

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